Thursday, March 1, 2012


Indian Prairie Project Arrow PTA General meeting will be Tuesday, March 6th at 7:00pm at the Crouse Education Center, 780 Shoreline Drive, Aurora, IL

Agenda will include, Allison Sherman, Director of Core Curriculum and Jeanine Buishas, Instructional Specialist - Gifted/Differentiation, who will discuss the new Common Core Curriculum changes and the impact on PA Curriculum.

We hope to see you at our next meeting. Any questions, please email

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fifth Grade, The Economy and Stock Market Game

Students will learn about our economy and play a game buying and selling stocks.

Fourth Grade, Neurology

Students will soon begin the study of the brain. We will explore some of the different parts of the brain and how the brain functions.

Third Grade, Oceanography

Third Grade Project Arrow students will begin an "Oceanography" unit after Spring Break. They will study some of the various sea creatures and explore the depths of the ocean floor. We also watch a movie called "The Mimi" that we tie in with the unit.

Math Problem Solving, 2nd Grade

Second Grade students in Project Arrow will begin a Problem Solving Unit called "Athenian Secret" A Greek Treasure Hunt. In Athenian Secret student teams solve various arithmetic puzzles earning Greek Drachmas, according to level of difficulty.

Project Arrow, 2nd through 5th Grade

Project Arrow for 2nd through 5th Grade will be wrapping up their Literature Units before Spring Break. After the break each grade level will begin a new unit up to the end of the school year!


All Project Arrow Classes and Guided Reading Groups in First and Kindergarten will be Cancelled Next Week, starting March 5th for ISAT TESTING!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Spring Conferences

I will not have Conferences with parents unless you request one or I request one.

Open House

Open House will be this coming Thursday, February 9th from 6:30 to 8:00pm. I hope to see you then.

Literature Units

All Grade Levels will continue with their Literature Units up until Spring Break!

Project Arrow Testing is Over!

Whew! That was a long two weeks, but Project Arrow Testing is Over and I will start to have Project Arrow class again! For those that took the test yu will find out the results sometime in May.